
BAR One Unipod Turnstile

The BAR One Unipod turnstile by COMINFO features a single-arm mechanism, optimized for high throughput and secure, low-energy operation.

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Product Details

Built for efficiency, the BAR One Unipod turnstile combines a sleek design with cutting-edge security, including anti-fraud optical sensors and customizable finishes. Ideal for modern facilities, it enables smooth, bidirectional access and emergency fold-down functionality.

Additional information



Stainless steel barrier arms

long-lasting and elegant-looking at the same time

Go Call

visual entry invitation feature

Operating Temperature

Indoor/Outdoor, −25°C to +60°C / −13F° to 140°F


Single arm / Brushed stainless steel

Seraphinite AcceleratorOptimized by Seraphinite Accelerator
Turns on site high speed to be attractive for people and search engines.